Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Broke Chicken and Chicken Month

Hello, and welcome to my new blog. Let me introduce myself. I am the Broke Cook. I'm a relatively broke student who happens to like cooking. However, since I'm broke, I can't afford to go out and get $6 imported cheeses and the like. No, I have to get cheap stuff and somehow make it taste good.

And with that, I invite you to join me on a tasteful journey as I navigate generic brands, dry meat, and limp veggies and try to make it into something edible. That being said, by the powers vested in me, I hereby declare this month Chicken Month.

To kick off Chicken Month, I'll share a dish made up when I was trying to get my sister to eat leftover fried chicken from the grocery store down the street.  Best thing is, it's really simple!

Take the leftover fried chicken, stick it in the oven at roughly 325 degrees. Or if you have a toaster oven, just pop it in there for a couple of minutes. At the same time, put on a pot of rice (I usually put a cup or 2 in my rice cooker). The idea is that while the rice is cooking, the fried chicken is getting nice and crispy again. I'm not fond of the crumbly, soggy texture leftover fried chicken gets after a few days in the refrigerator, but that's just my personal preference.

When the chicken is nice and crispy, take it out of the oven, and let it cool enough to where you can handle it without burning your fingers. Take the meat of the bone and cut it into bite size pieces, set aside.  When the rice is done, just mix the rice and chicken together. Done. Add any condiments you like to it.  My personal favorite is to drizzle on some balsamic vinegar and red pepper flakes, stir, and eat. Mmmm.  Feel free to experiment and find your own favorite version of Broke Chicken and Rice.

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