Thursday, December 29, 2011

Mac and Cheese: Broke Cook Style

I sincerely apologize for the lack of posts. I had some major issues with my classes + holiday drama. I'm currently in a lull period, and thought I'd share an experience I had recently.

Last week, mom made spaghetti. I hate spaghetti. And lasagna. And pizza. I know, I know, how un-American, but hear me out. It's not the actual food I hate, but the sauce. I hate tomato sauce (although I LOOOOOVE tomatoes). Anyway, mom made spaghetti, but she knows I hate it, so she usually sets aside some noodles for me to doctor up myself.

This time, however, there were not enough spaghetti noodles for all, so she cooked up some plain, leftover macaroni noodles she happened to have on hand. I didn't have the powdered cheese to go with it, so I had to get creative.  I vaguely remembered watching an episode of "Giada at Home" or "Everyday Italian" making some noodle sauce with creme fraiche. What's creme fraiche, you ask? Good question, I don't know, never had, nor have I ever seen it in my local supermarket.

Instead, I added a few spoonfuls of sour cream, a handful of shredded mozzarella, a few dashes of dried parsley, and then I nuked it in my microwave until the cheese melted. Stir, done. Enjoy.

It actually wasn't bad, although next time I think I would add some ricotta cheese and some shredded asiago cheese, but that's just me. Please by all means experiment with your favorite cheeses. If you really want some flavor, I suggest using fresh parsley and bake your mac and cheese.

P.S. I have an upcoming trip ahead, but when I get back, I'll share some of my holiday recipes for you. Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!